For best results,
1. Remove all eye makeup and clean your lashes with mild, oil-free.
2. Limit your intake of caffeine before you come. Caffeine can cause your eyelashes to flutter making application more difficult resulting in fewer lashes applied. Plan on spending two hours for your appointment.
3. You may bring an iPod if you would like, otherwise we will have spa music playing.

The gentle alternative to lash extensions, a lash lift essentially takes the natural hairs you do have lining your lid and gives them a dramatic curl. lasts anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks, and unlike with extensions, you can rub your eyes, wear makeup, and your natural lashes aren't impacted.
After about 6 to 8 weeks, which is the natural growth cycle of your lashes, you'll start to notice the curled pieces disappearing, as the set you previously had starts to replace them.

1. Eyebrow .......................... $12
2. lip ................................... $10
3. Chin ................................ $15
4. Sides of face .................... $17
5. Eyebrow tint .................... $25
6. Full Face .......................... $49
Seasonal specials for new customers
only $9.99 for eyebrows design.